Thursday, April 24, 2014

Outfit Inspo: Spring Fever

Outfit Inspo 04242014

Spring is slowly turning to summer, but here in the bay area we're still having a few windy and overcast days. I paired a spring-y crochet/lace shirt with a long sleeved top or sweater. It's something that can keep me warm (and cool!) and it's something I can wear out, or even acceptable enough to wear to my job. And of course, black on black; though I chose a yellow accent for a bit of a pop. - I personally like how yellow looks with black and white over the orange in the photo - Most of the outfits I choose will involve black with some kind of pop of color. Black is totally my comfort color, and you can almost always find me wearing it. I'll try to mix it up eventually, but black is stunning and goes with everything, just sayin! ;) You could also pair this with some cute sandal wedges for warmer weather, or some pink or yellow nail lacquer to brighten up the look!

So, Ta-Da! My first outfit inspiration of the week. Now, I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing these weekly, but I'm going to try my best to keep this a recurring post. I thought it would be a good idea to do an outfit inspiration post because it helps me put together a cute outfit for a decent price. I'm not one to spend a bunch of money on clothes, and by that I mean I don't like to spend over $50 on one item of clothing. (Occasionally there are exceptions, but you won't catch me buying anything over $100!) I'm not a huge name brand person either; I mean owning name brand items is definitely nice, but I just can't bring myself to spend the money on them when I can usually find something that looks generally the same for half the price or even less. I'm a huge bargain shopper, even if I have a couple hundred in my bank account, you'll still most likely find me in the sales or clearance section!

I'm also not very good at putting an outfit together, unless I can see it all at once. I'll pick up a blouse and be like, 'this will look totally cute with the (blank) that I have at home!' and then I get home and put it together and it's absolutely horrid! & at that point I have nothing to match with my new blouse. This way, I can take a photo and find a way to piece everything together in a way that looks adorable!

Links for all of the items are shown above.

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