Monday, April 28, 2014

High School Daze

Lately I've been digging through a bunch of my old photos and videos on the web, from random image hosting websites I've saved them too, because I'm thinking about deleting my facebook. I want everything important saved on a hard drive before I delete any of my social networking sites, and let me tell you; I have found so many documented memories that I forgot that I even had! High school seems like such a blur now. I've lost friends, but I've also gained them. I've given up on relationships and started new ones. I moved from my old town, and started a new life, but I've tried to hold on to those who were, and still are, dearest to me.

These photos and videos I've stumbled upon have created many mixed emotions; happy, sad, thoughtful, embarrassed, cherished, loved, a lot of 'I can't believe we did that!' and 'I miss you's... and there were definitely a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. Looking back on old photographs, I always tend to think; "I miss how things used to be". And yes, I do miss it; but I also think about how far I, and all of my old friends, have come in life. All of the accomplishments we've made, how much we've grown and matured, discovering our passions... these years of our lives are about shaping the kind of person we're going to be for the future. I am sad when I look at these pictures or watch these videos, but I'm also very happy. Even if I don't talk to some of the people much now, it's good to know that at one point our lives intertwined, and we shared a few, or many, good laughs.

High School Collage

That being said, I just wanted to make this post about cherishing those fun, embarrassing, yet unforgettable memories, and don't be afraid to go back and take a look every once in awhile. 
It may turn your bad day into a good one.

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