Friday, April 18, 2014

Blogger: To be, or not to be?

This question has come up multiple times in my life; and no, I don't mean the website! There are pros and cons to maintaining a blog, but I guess it just depends on the type of person you are. Blogs are a great way to share your story, or stories. Whether it's something significant, or you're just blogging on the daily. I want to blog because I want to put everything in my head down onto paper, or in this case a website. Whether it's an idea, a design, an opinion, a passion, a list, a review, a recipe, an interview, a haul, an 'outfit of the day', a DIY tutorial, a contest, a giveaway, a news story... or I'm just jotting down my thoughts. I want to make it permanent. I want to document my life and thoughts in a way that I can go back and look upon it years from now, and I want to share these things with other people who can benefit from it.

I don't want this blog to be negative, it's called youthphoria for a reason! I mean, yes, occasionally I'll have those posts where I'm just having an off day or I'm arguing about something I disagree with. But I don't want to post about the negative things in life, and if I ever do, I want to try to not focus on why it's negative, but on how I can make it better. I want this blog to make me a better person. I realized that sometimes I don't even notice things within myself until I write it down, my true thoughts don't ever come out unless my fingers are attached to a pen, or I'm typing away on a keyboard. I'm not very good at speaking aloud, or conveying what I'm thinking in the spoken form. This way, I can turn to a blog when I need too, or want to, talk. 

Maybe if I write down a workout regime, I'll actually do it. Or I plan a DIY tutorial or talk about reading a book I've been wanting to read, I'll actually get to it. Youthphoria can be a motivator for me, a way for me to express myself creatively, socially, and intellectually; while allowing others to read my writings, and maybe eventually they'll feel like they want to do the same.

I'm starting slow. Like I said above, maintaining a blog has a lot of pros and cons, and it can be a lot of work and time. My time is very limited right now, I'm a twenty one year old full time college student with two (soon three) jobs, and I'm in a relationship. But I'm going to try my best to at LEAST blog once a week. I'd definitely like to make that my goal. I'm still trying to figure out if this blogging thing is for me.

Here's to getting in touch with my creative side.


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