Sunday, May 11, 2014

A little update on life.

Hello all, and Happy Mothers Day! To all the beautiful and empowered women in the world, you are so important to the lives of everyone around you. I don't care if you're actually a mommy or not, today is a day for all of the motherly, caring, and encouraging ladies out there that have had some kind of impact on someone's life. YOU ARE LOVED. And we love and appreciate you so much, even if we can't show it every day. Unfortunately I won't be seeing my mom today, I got scheduled to work (retail... ugh!), but I hope that everyone gets to spend the day with a special woman, for my sake :).
photo credit:
On another note, yesterday I had the opportunity to volunteer at The Human Race in Santa Cruz, California! The Human Race is a nationwide, community fundraising event for nonprofit organizations. The Santa Cruz race in particular is a five mile walk/run, that encourages people to raise awareness and donate for a great cause. I worked the face painting booth all day, and all of the proceeds were donated to women and children in need! (Perfect fundraiser for today's holiday, eh?) Though the entire right side of me is sunburned to hell, I had a wonderful time. It was so great having a line of little kiddies (and adults) who wanted their faces painted by me! 
The Human Race Face Painting
The only issue I had was time. I can say that I'm pretty good at face painting on myself, but my looks take anywhere from 1-3 hours. I have only painted on other people once or twice, and they still took a pretty long time. It's a lot harder painting someone elses face over your own; I know my own face, and I know I can sit still. Whereas others, (especially kids!) tend to fidget around a lot, and its hard to position your hands in a way that makes it easy to paint. Some of the full face paintings I did on the kids yesterday were taking a long time, and I could hear parents complaining that they 'didn't have 20 minutes to wait for a face paint'. Honestly, it's tough rushing through a painting, which I had to do a couple of times. And I felt bad because the paints I had to rush through, when I had a long line, weren't turning out very good at all. (Luckily they weren't paying me for them! Though I did get a few tips).

I realized that timing is just something I need to work on. I can't have 2-3 hours to do someones face, especially when I start doing photoshoots and things like that. I had such a good time yesterday though, and I'm so thankful that I was given that opportunity, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed the things I need to work on. All in all, it was a great experience!
Jester Face Paint
The Human Race Face Paint
Watercolor/Abstract Face Paint
Cupcake Face Paint
An Artists Hands

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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